Tuesday 29 May 2012

Galaxy Nails: Take 2

Hey guys!

I know that I keep on saying that I'll be back with more designs but I haven't and I do apologize about that but I had to finish uni and then study for my exams so I found no time to post designs but i did take photos so I'm a tad back dated! which is in the process of being sorted out! So I have finished uni for he Summer which means that I can now spend more time on new designs!!

But for the time being I have another set of Galaxy Nails for you which I did on my own nails as opposed to doing them on fake nails and I loved this on my nails and I also got so many compliments on it!!

The thing I love about these types of designs is that I have never had one finger the looks the same and so they're always so varied and colourful! Because these nails were done with the exact same colours as before but they turned out so differently which I love!

I hope you all like these!!

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